Mommy Bloggers are one of the most influential groups online. Cutting through the clutter of thousands of other manufacturers and reaching these bloggers is the trick.

These bloggers have become a main source of product information and public relations for the mom market, SNIA Interactive puts you in front of influential Mommy Bloggers to get product feedback, reviews and endorsements , and get spread the word.

Mommy Meetups provides marketers the means to engage influential moms in their world. SNIA will coordinate a Mommy Meetup or party that lets moms test and share your product in a comfortable, social setting, kicking off qualified word of mouth with this influential consumer group.

We often forget the power of email; however, users are still reading emails several times a day. In fact, most consumers say they learn about sales and promotions via email.

Sending regular updates, special offers or helpful advice via email  is one of the best ways to expand your brand’s reach and stay on your customers’ radars. The key is to close the circle by directing them back to your website to complete your call to action.

SNIA Interactive creates customized email campaigns that are not only relevant to your customers but that also inspire the sale.

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